All packed up and ready to go!
We met up at 7 am, as to get to work before the wonderful Texas heat sets in.
Arriving at Ilse De Bois, you could feel the excitement in the air. We jumped to work on cutting the PVC artificial burrows, laying out power cords, running cameras to their monitoring spot, flagging our power line and camera cables, covering the burrows to look more natural, and hooking up the monitoring system. To increase the likelihood of our burrows being inhabited, we cut the bottom out of the burrows to make for a more natural environment.
Goal: To have all our fingers when done!
Success: Still have 10!
Installing the Camera
Hiding the Burrows
A field trip to the Greenbelt Corridor was scheduled for 10:30, we had to cut our work time short so we could meet up with the rest of the UNT RET group. We took a tour of the Greenbelt. It was very informative. We saw poison ivy, a huge 80 year old Cottonwood tree, deer tracks and most importantly the weather station and the WSN nodes and relays..
UNT Weather Station
Deer Tracks
Water Pressure meters WSN Nodes
80 Year Old Cottonwood
Thank goodness they brought snacks! Breakfast was around 6 am for the UNT Wild Watch group and we were getting hungry. The oranges and granola bars held us over.
Group Photo in front of the 80 year old Cottonwood Tree.
After the tour we were back to Ilse De Bois to finish installing our security system, we had to be out of there by 2:30. Our park ranger was leaving then and we have to be supervised. We had to secure the cameras, make sure all the exposed parts were covered in electrical tape, seal the weatherproof box hole with sealant, adjust the recording settings on the system, and pick up our mess. We also installed a PASCO temperature monitor system inside the weatherproof box to keep track of the temperature inside. We want to make sure it is not getting too hot.
Double checking that our cameras are up right and secure.
Configuring the Swann Security settings.
AHHHH! Our final product is complete! It is all set up and recording properly! We are happy, satisfied and exhausted.
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