Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 23 Friday 7-12

Another early day for the Wild Watch Team. We are headed back out to Isle Du Bois to check our DVR and see if we recorded any data.
WE SAW WILDLIFE! Our first sighting of a big mammal in our area?! 

The momma deer had a baby! 

We tried to follow them but they jumped and ran away :( 

The view from our camera down a tunnel. It recorded the movement of shadows from the trees outside, no bugs this time. 

This is a video of our recordings, you can see how only three cameras were recording. They are in the top left, top right and bottom left corners. The 4th camera cable had damage to it and was not able to send the data back to the dvr. In this you can see how each corner comes on for a bit of time then back off. This is due to motion being sensed, when it is noticed the camera clicks on and starts recording until the motion is stopped. 

 Checking out the light intensity in the camera and surrounding areas. 

We added a screen to the back side of our structure to help shade the pelican box. 

Ignoring the junk pile behind it, its beautiful! We could not be more proud!

Then LUUUUNCH break and back to the lab to continue working on our paper and presentation. A short pow wow was held to discuss our game plan for next week. Only 5 more days left and so much to do. We need to create a detailed list in order to get everything accomplished. We are all doing the happy dance knowing that in one more week we can sleep in!

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